About Us
The Neuroscience and Psychology of Sleep Lab (NaPS) run by Professor Penny Lewis is one of many groups within the Cardiff University's Brain Imaging and Research Centre (CUBRIC), which opened in 2016.
We use techniques such as Targeted Memory Reactivation (TMR), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), EEG, ECG, galvanic skin response (GSR) and cognitive tests to study and manipulate sleep.

Bedroom 1

Bedroom 2

Bedroom 1
3 x Sleep Study Bedrooms
Each of our three bedrooms are equipped with a double sized bed, sound insulation and temperature control.
Our current set up is able to measure up to 64 channels at one time.

We use Brain Products EEG equipment, with both Brain Amps and Live Amps amplifiers. ​
Control Room
Our control room is used for overnight monitoring.

Control Room Suite

Control Room Suite

Multi-modal approaches
We use multi-modal approaches such as pairing EEG with fMRI.